
Something to be thankful for every day.

Thankfulday #237

Thankful for meteorologists.

Thankfulday #236

Thankful for those who rush into the literal storm to help those in need. Praying for the gulf coast.

Thankfulday #235

Thankful for the safe travel of hurricane evacuees – especially loved ones. 🙂

Thankfulday #234

Thankful for jolly laughter!

Thankfulday #233

Thankful for doctor friends who offer their help in times of need.

Thankfulday #232

Thankful for memorial services that bring friends together. A beautiful reminder of the delicacy of life and importance of shared community.

Thankfulday #231

Thankful for productive tasks.

Thankfulday #230

Thankful for whimsical water, music, and light shows.