
Something to be thankful for every day.

Thankfulday #315

Thankful for cooler weather.

Thankfulday #314

Thankful for words of respect and kindness in the midst of differing opinions and beliefs.

Thankfulday #313

Thankful for the right to vote.

Thankfulday #312

Thankful for friends who help me wrestle with challenges and lovingly hold me accountable.

Thankfulday #311

Thankful for tissues.

Thankfulday #310

Thankful for the fun redheads in my life (Redhead Day)!

Thankfulday #309

Thankful for store clerks who graciously accept my “No, thank you” in response to their offer of the company’s reward program.

Thankfulday #308

Thankful for the reminder of why I began intentional, daily thankfulness four years ago.