
Something to be thankful for every day.

Thankfulday #120

Thankful for washing machines.

Thankfulday #119

Thankful for ginger thin cookies.

Thankfulday #118

Thankful for retro movie watching with my Momma.

Thankfulday #117

Thankful for another fun table gathering. #familystyledinner

Thankfulday #116

Thankful for outdoor dining with lifelong friends.


Thankfulday #115

Thankful for home-cooked meals and hospitality offered at a friend’s table.

Thankfulday #114

Thankful for safe landing on a sky diving adventure!

Thankfulday #113

Thankful for my mom who read to me before I could speak. She taught me to love stories and books.

Thankful for the teachers who taught me to read.

Thankful for childhood bookmobiles and for libraries throughout life.

Thankful for writers along the way who introduce me to new worlds – expanding my horizon, mind, and imagination.