Be A Listener
We all long to matter.
To be seen.
To be heard.
One of the most impactful actions we can take with those in pain is to listen. To lovingly ask about their pain or experience and then listen. Listen, not with a ready response or even a posture or quick way to “fix” the pain or challenge. Just listen. Be willing to sit in the uncomfortable place of not having answers or solutions but allow your friend, loved one, or stranger the space to share and be heard.
All lives matter all the time. At this time, may we reach out to our black brothers and sisters to let them know we care and we want to listen to them so they know they are heard.
A few years ago a dear artist friend taught me to draw. Along the way I have collected and experimented with graphite and charcoal pencils and sketch pads of different colors. Last year I found these “people colors” pencils. They sit on my desk right now with a sketch pad waiting for me to take a drawing break. So far, I haven’t taken time to use them 🙁 but they caught my eye as I contemplated the BeSpirational for today.
These are made for children – if you look closely the description says, “Big, easy-grip size for little hands!” The child faces on the packaging make me smile. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we took the time to see each other with the innocence that children do? To appreciate the mosaic God created with our skin and seek to live justly with kindness and humbleness? Let’s begin by being willing to listen.
#BeSpirational #BeAListener #PeopleColors #GodsMosaic #Listen #LiveJustly #Kindness #Humbleness