Be A Beam
Sun beams peeking around rocks or from behind clouds offer a glimpse of hope and a lift to our spirits. Angles of light affect how we view things – in art, nature, and even life circumstances.
We have traveled through some dark, strange, and chaotic times the last few months, haven’t we? Light can brilliantly dispel gloom and darkness.
This week, let’s think of a way we can be a beam of light shining positivity and hope into the world around us. Simple ways of reaching out to each other to offer a quick text or message of encouragement and support. Offering help to a neighbor in need. A donation to a nonprofit that helps with food or school supplies. (I would love to hear your ideas in the comments!)
Have a sunshine day! 🧡
#BeSpirationals #BeABeam #shinebright #positivity #challengingtimes #practicalcompassion #care #presence #lovinggestures #encourageothers #itsthelittlethings #hope #Godscreation #nature #thebearinglifepodcast