Be Aware
While strolling in a new city, I cut through a short alley, turned a corner and encountered this small, vibrant flower vendor. It was a gray, rainy day and these blossoms offered a bright greeting. They immediately lifted my spirit and put added joy in my steps. If I’d gone the other way or not gone “off the map” and explored the alley and street, I would have missed them entirely.
I really believe it’s the little things in life that build us up or break us down. During these strange times it seems like lots of big and little things can trip us up and trap us in a mentality of uncertainty and fear.
Lately, I’ve been reminded that in spite of all those little things that cause angst in the world. I must make the extra effort to be aware of the little pleasures and hopes of life, Yes, unique challenges exist in our “normal” lives that have turned upside down. But we have a choice to counter these with optimism and hope.
Will you join me this week in being aware of the simple treasures of life – nature, friendships, acts of kindness? To put in a little extra effort to look for and be aware of the extraordinary encouragement we can have together? I’m rooting for you (and me). We can do this!