Be Open Armed
How does it make us feel when someone presents a posture of crossed arms?
When we present crossed arms to others?
Crossed arms can communicate a variety of messages and attitudes. Defensiveness, blocking, stubbornness, unwillingness to hear, and pridefulness.
When we have open arms or are greeted with that posture, we offer (and feel) value, kindness, openness, compassion, mercy, a willingness to hear and learn, and an offer of relatability.
Across this city today, pastors from 30-40 churches are preaching on Micah 6:8. The pastor of the church I attend explored the word justice and things that true biblical justice requires.
A learning posture is vital – having open arms, being relational, intentional, and offering justice as we seek God’s righteousness and consider His open armed love in our lives.
Wherever we see ourselves on the faith journey, we can all step into the week with open arms of kindness and compassion: offering a willing heart, listening ears, and intentional hands that work for the good of one another.
Be open armed this week!
(In the comments, let us know ways in which someone has been this way with you!)
*Micah 6:8: “O human, what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”
#BeSpirationals #beopenarmed #micah6:8 #mercy #kindness #dojustice #compassion #Godslove #faith #willingheart #walkhumbly