Be Unwavering
Do you know someone in the middle of a great grief? The loss of a special person, death of a loved one, a difficult move, loneliness in the middle of a pandemic? Be that unwavering, solid, show-up friend or family member who reaches out over and over again with simple gestures of care.
This week on The Bearing Life podcast, join me for part 2 of my conversation with Rene. We talk about her walk and process through her season of grief. One of the ways we can help each other bear the burden of grief is to be unwavering in reaching out to our friends and loved ones. We lovingly reach out in steadfast, solid care with no expectation of response on their part. We just keep showing up to let them know they are not alone and that we are available.
A short text, voice mail, or email saying, “Just want you to know I’m thinking of you/praying for you/here for you. Don’t feel pressured to respond, I just wanted to let you know I care.”
Set up a reminder to consistently message them – every couple of days or so. Often the fog of grief will overwhelm and emotionally paralyze. Having a solid, unwavering stream of communication from someone who cares (with no expectation attached) gives a constant message of “presence” and helps alleviate feelings of total isolation and aloneness.
Internally offer grace to them if they don’t respond for a long time – don’t take offense if all that greets you is silence. They are just trying to cope and put one foot in front of the other. They will come around. Please keep offering simple support with unwavering love.
Be their steady, reliable bedrock of care as they work their way through this uncertain time.
(What kind gesture helped you during a time of grief?)