Father’s Day Encouragement

Father’s Day offers a special day to recognize and honor our earthly fathers. I know so many wonderful dads who love and care for their families. Mine passed away years ago and I set aside time each Father’s Day to reflect on the values and faith he passed on to our family, the special times we spent together as a family, and also the times we had fun adventures, just the two of us.
Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers!
This day can be joyful and celebratory for many. It can also be a painful day for those who grew up without knowing their dad, for the ones who didn’t have a loving, kind father, and for those whose fathers have passed on.
Other life realities cause this day to feel overwhelming; an infertility journey, infant or child loss, or the loss of an adult child.
On a recent episode of The Bearing Life® Podcast, I had a conversation with two friends, Tony and Scott, about their experiences with infertility. They and their wives lived out two very different stories, and both shared how they have walked their life paths. We talked about ways they handled circumstances and uncertainties in the midst of such a challenging time, including how it can be difficult for men (in general) to reach out to others for help with their personal situations. They offered great advice to men in the midst of infertility and for those men who have walked through it.
If you have experience with painful emotions about fathers or fatherhood, stay aware of other men, friends, or community members who might be in that space, and kindly reach out to let them know you are available to meet with them if they need someone to listen.
If you find yourself in the midst of an infertility journey or other Father’s Day hurt, reach out to someone you know who might have an understanding and see if they are willing to meet with you and talk. Seek wisdom from others who dealt with the struggle (or maybe ways they would deal with it differently than they did at the time).
We were created for community and all of us need encouragement from time to time. I pray you already have or will find a mentor or friend to walk with you and help you know you are not alone.
Praying for you this Father’s Day…be encouraged.