A New Adventure

Have you ever found yourself considering a huge change or adventure in life? Or maybe a small tweak that feels a bit scary?
I’m on the edge of a big change and feeling excited but also feeling a little terror like I did when I jumped out of a plane (thankfully in tandem with an experienced instructor)!
There is a city I’ve had a crush on for years and I find that I’m standing on the threshold of relocating to further explore the city and opportunities. Grateful that I am basically able to work from anywhere.
In a few weeks, I will head several states away to Franklin, TN. I feel God nudging me to trust and go. I’m not exactly sure why, so I’m taking a deep breath and just saying “Yes, I trust You, Lord.”
Everyone I’ve told has responded with great excitement. I’ve had several conversations with friends of different ages and stages about their own situations and considerations of life change – job, geography, etc. followed by reasons why they can’t. Different ages, similar reasons.
It’s a huge message to me that we ALL have these times. As adults just starting out or in a later season we face opportunities to embrace joyful decisions, change, experience upside downs that indeed turn your life upside down, discover a desire to tweak a few small things in life, or embrace huge differences and recoveries from loss, break ups, divorce, job change, etc.
Small or big, change can be unnerving, sometimes scary.
Journey with me as I enter this new time. I’ll be working on a book about life changes along the way. I plan to post mainly on Instagram (follow me – @drjulieshannon) and my website (subscribe – drjulieshannon.com). I will send out newsletter updates, write posts, upload videos, and have a variety of interactive stories and live chats.
I need your encouragement and want to cheer you on too! Let’s step (or jump?) bravely into the unknowns, big and small! We can do this! You are not alone!
(One more thing – THANK YOU for listening to The Bearing Life® Podcast! We’ve wrapped Season 3 – we’ll be back in a couple of months to begin a new season. I’m recording episodes now and SO excited for upcoming topics! Appreciate your support!)