A New View

Welcome to the launch week of a new season of The Bearing Life® Podcast!
Several months ago, I set out on a new adventure in a new city far from home. The seed for this journey was planted eight years ago and after many twists and turns, it finally sprouted. I watched God unfold events and open doors for me to pursue life here and I took a deep breath, said yes, and packed my bags.
For some people, making a move like this might not be that big of a deal. For others, just the thought could be overwhelming…I fall somewhere in between. I adore this new setting and have met wonderful people and I’m making new friends. To be honest, relocating in the summer when most routines and events are limited or scattered (especially during an ongoing pandemic when nothing is “back to normal”) offers less opportunity to truly get plugged into places and groups. I’ve had joyful moments and some lonely ones too.
I’m grateful for my community of friends and family who consistently check in. Thankfully, I’ve been trying to finish a new book (!) and also stepping into a brand-new writing project so I’ve needed to stay on task (sometimes a challenge for me!).
So far, I’ve seen new sights, eaten delicious food, enjoyed fun events, met some delightful people, and even met my Romeo…you can see our picture on Instagram! (Okay, full confession, Romeo is actually an alpaca. But that IS his name. :)!)
Join me and listen to the episode this week as I share a little about my new hobby, life lessons, and how we can reach out to others in joyful times and challenging ones.
This season, I’m so excited to share amazing conversations and stories with you. I’ve noticed an overall theme and thread running through them: perseverance, pursuing dreams, and overcoming obstacles. All of them offer hope and encouragement wherever you find yourself in life. We can learn from each other and grab onto momentum to bravely live our lives to the fullest. Let’s be intentional with life – in joyful, meaningful, and wonder-filled ways.
Join us this season, won’t you? Let’s go…
(If you haven’t subscribed, go to drjulieshannon.com to sign up for the weekly newsletter. We will also email the link for new episodes to your inbox. Be sure to follow me on Instagram where I’m regularly posting pics and musings from my adventure.)