A Yolk of Reality

The last several months I’ve seen an increase in stories encouraging women to freeze their eggs to ensure future fertility and give them freedom in their current years with the unspoken understanding that any challenges will be solved by science years down the road.
My own story of infertility led me to a great passion for communicating with women in the midst of infertility, as well as their support systems.
I am writing to offer a caution—women need to know they must take the initiative, do some research, and be fully advised from reliable sources about the realities of fertility.
If someone reaches the end of active fertility thinking that science alone will solve any issue that arises, it is too late to turn back the clock.
Three occurrences I’ve heard/seen lately spurred me to write today.
- During a local news story a reporter provided information on freezing eggs for future fertility. I was glad to see someone shine the light on this topic. She interviewed several young and middle adult women on why they chose to freeze their eggs or were planning to do so. I am all about options and utilizing science to our benefit but one portion of her report troubled me. Her voiceover accompanied a graphic on age and fertility. She referred to the age of 35 saying, “Women won’t fall off the fertility cliff at age 35 but by 40 doctors say conceiving is harder. Science tells us younger eggs increase the chance of successful pregnancy and healthy babies.”
I recently completed my dissertation for doctoral work and the subject was infertility and childlessness – I tell you this so you know I literally did my homework. According to numerous sources (and several doctors who advised me personally), there actually IS a fertility cliff at age 35. I sent a kind email to the news reporter asking about her information and sources on age and infertility and told her I was concerned that women have all of the information on age and fertility that is available.
I never received a response.
My dear younger sister in life, I want you to be FULLY informed.
- Yesterday I saw a story on a former Bachelorette (the reality show kind) who made headlines and warranted a short segment and interview on a national morning show due to her recent decision to go through the procedure to freeze her eggs. The reporter for the story then showed a picture of other ex-Bachelorettes and several pictures of actresses who have done the same. The story also presented statistics illustrating the growth in popularity of freezing eggs.
Again, I am just emphasizing that anyone considering an intentional delay in childbearing know all of the ramifications of age, aside from eggs.
- During a recent conversation with a newly married, over thirty friend, we discussed this very topic. Paraphrase of our conversation: She said she isn’t too concerned because she has heard that even though they used to believe that 35 was a fertility challenged age, she heard they now believe it is really 40. I asked her who they are – I want to discover the source of information because I want to support her and make sure it is accurate and reliable.
My goal is to encourage women to be self-advocating and learn the facts to help with their decision-making. (Also, research the egg retrieval procedure.)
Understand the effects of aging on your body—young, frozen eggs will not always guarantee a successful pregnancy and healthy birth if there are underlying physical/health issues (and oftentimes these do exist, especially with age).
Words like freedom, empowerment, and peace of mind are used to describe opportunities to enlist the assistance of science and attempt to guarantee future fertility.
I pray you have much success in your desire to have children. I want you to be well informed through a complete understanding of what the ramifications of age and fertility might one day mean in your life.
Below are several places to start:
http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infertility/basics/definition/CON-20034770?p=1, ,
(Have you made the decision to freeze your eggs for future use? If so, would you share your experience with us?)