Adoption and the Meaning of Family

When I share about my infertility and involuntary childlessness through speaking events or one on one conversations, I often hear a follow-up question asking why I didn’t adopt a child.
For most of my life, I wanted a house full of kids (similar to the Brady Bunch)! Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, adoption wasn’t possible.
I’ve known many people who adopted children and I’ve had several friends who were adopted themselves. This week’s episode of The Bearing Life® Podcast focuses on adoption.
Join me for this new episode and conversation with Maggie. As an adopted child herself, she shares helpful information about the adopted child experience and wisdom learned in her biological family search.
If you have an adopted child, or if you were adopted, you don’t want to miss Maggie’s story and experience! (Midway through the episode there is a really special surprise!)
Looking forward to being with all of you this week!