Bearing Grief, Part 1

In Part 1 of this episode on bearing grief, I talk with a dear friend about the fog of grief. The process of grief is not linear, but there are ways to engage in life to bring us to a place of grace. Come back for Part 2 where we will discuss how we walk through our grief with others.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy by Barbara Johnson
Great piece, Julie. Often times those with good intentions can put too many expectations on a person going through grief. One may advise to go to the gym and volunteer. Another may advise counseling and going to church. The list goes on. What they don’t realize is the added pressure to meet everyone’s expectation, but can’t. Then comes the feelings of guilt & failure, for not being able to, shame for being judged and further isolation in not being understood.
Thanks for the encouragement, Jennifer. Yes! So true. One of the reasons I am doing this podcast is to have conversations about difficult topics and, together, learn ways we can reach out to people in helpful ways! I appreciate your comment. Thank you so much for listening!
Thanks for the podcast which was I found helpful when hearing how you kept reaching out to your friend. Thanks again.
Thank you, Kathy! So glad it was helpful. I really appreciate your input and encouragement. Thanks for listening!