Building Community

In this episode, Joe Battaglia joins me to talk about culture, community, and how we can positively engage with others in our lives. He offers much wisdom on showing up and investing time together in order to help one another grow, and his perspective will inspire you to value and build community in your life.
Joe is a Broadcaster, Author, and Founder/President of Renaissance Communications, a media company providing platforms for communicators of biblical truth. He is also the Executive Producer and General Manager of the nationally syndicated radio program “Keep the Faith,” heard nationally in over 300 markets and numerous countries overseas with a weekly audience of 2 million.
For over 16 years, he has been involved in the promotion of hit movies such as War Room, God’s Not Dead, The Polar Express, and I Can Only Imagine (to name just a few).
Joe is the author of several books, and his latest release is Make America Good Again: 12.5 Biblical Principles to Unite Our Nation, Restore True Greatness, and Reshape Our Political Rhetoric.
Thanks for listening!
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