Defining Steps: Where Do You Carry Stress?

During this season of The Bearing Life® Podcast we continue taking a look at what we carry into 2021. In this week’s episode, I had a revealing conversation about how stress can manifest within the body and the resulting frustration and pain.
After years of debilitating pain, Candice desperately sought resolution and effective treatment. She found help from a physical therapist who specializes in women’s pelvic floor dysfunction. The topic seems overwhelming because, well… it is. Women (and men) may experience stress, anxiety, and pain for up to 10 years before they discover the help of a physical therapist. Candice’s story shares her process through a lengthy journey to helpful answers.
As Candice learned more, she wanted to share her story with other women, but more importantly, share how you can walk successfully through this diagnosis.
To my women friends: as you pay attention to your body, do you find yourself holding tension in your glutes or thighs? Does it seem like you go to the bathroom all the time? Are tampons uncomfortable? Is sexual intercourse painful on any level? These may be indications that you have pelvic floor dysfunction and should reach out to your doctor or a physical therapist.
The more we share our stories and talk about this issue that affects so many women, the more we can bring light to this topic. Fewer women will have to silently experience this pain. Fewer women will joke about urinary leakage or frequent trips to the bathroom, and yet, suffer alone. In the episode, Kat says, “Just because it’s common, doesn’t mean it’s normal.”
If you are local to Dallas, Kat is just an email away!
You can connect with a physical therapist in your area:
• Find a Pelvic Rehab Practitioner
If you have not listened to Carrying Stress: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, and you think this might be your story, I encourage you to listen to the full episode!
You are not alone in your experience – research, talk to your doctor, and find a medical professional to help!