Notes of Friendship

Join me and my friend, Jennifer Quinlan, on The Bearing Life® Podcast this week as we look back and talk about our lifetime of friendship…how we first met, ways we’ve reconnected throughout life, and how we’ve maintained our closeness over the years.
Connect with Dr. Julie Shannon:
Julie, thank you for the walk down memory lane! And YES! Thank goodness we didn’t have the technology of today back at the wing!
Love your podcast & thank you for supporting those who are walking that uncomfortable road of infertility. Wish I had support during that season of my life.
Hi Dr Julie
I am a Beta Xi Delta Delta Delta! Love this story
of friendships made during our young lives! I keep up with many, many of my sisters and just reconnected and had lunch today with a dear Tri Delta sister who I had been searching for for years & years. I finally tracked her down through her son. I imagine he thought I was cray cray 😛 for asking him where she was!!
She just moved back to Texas from Alaska!! She moved as a young mom of 2 to Alaska bc of her husbands job. Raised her family there.
See you at the Beta Xi Reunion- hopefully
I was a pledge trainer & song leader for Beta Xi
Beta Xi Tri Delta was so unique and the women during the late 70’s early 80’s have such a bond. The chapter really took off after 1975 we were the first big class the chapter had since it’s founding in 72.