October Wave of Light

Lighting the Dark
One of the most soul stirring sights occurs each year in December.
The celebration of Christmas in churches, homes, and communities usually includes groups of people singing Silent Night. The lights turn down, the first notes of the song begin, and voices join together in quiet confidence and worship. One candle is lit and that candle passes the light to the next candle.
On and on until the entire room or sanctuary fills with the visual warmth and hope of candlelight.
October is here – the month proclaimed as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. October 15th is the official remembrance day and “wave of light” night, a night designated to show support to women and men all over the world who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss (and I include adult child loss in my remembrance too).
Pregnancy and infant loss (any child loss, really) often makes the dark of night feel like an eternal midnight with no rays of hope. Your family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and faith community members need to know they are not alone during the isolating days of infertility and loss and throughout their grief journey.
The wave of light that recognizes and remembers marks the day around the world. Join in by lighting your candle (or turning on a battery-operated one) at 7:00pm in your time zone and know that others are doing the same. Light your candle of support for one hour. Speak the child’s name in remembrance. Say a prayer for the parents who grieve – for Almighty comfort, peace, courage, and hope. Send your friend a private text to let them know you lit your candle in support – text them a picture of your candle and say, “Thinking of you” or “Praying for you.”
Consider the candlelit worship in December or some other similar event you’ve attended.
Think about the beauty and warmth in that place. Imagine the world wide image of people individually lighting October candles to support one another in times of grief and loss.
Will you light your candle and join us in our October wave of light?