Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day through Infertility and Child Loss

As we prepare for special celebrations this Mother’s Day, I want to encourage you in your journey. If you are part of a community that cares for women walking through infertility, child loss, or involuntary childlessness, this week’s podcast, Getting Ready for Mother’s Day, offers defining steps you can take to love and support your friends.
For those in community, remember to reach out to women and families to support them on what can be a painful day/season. An invitation to a meal, an offer to talk and be a listening ear, or prayer during a faith-based service are helpful ways to help them process, grieve, and feel included in community.
When the Stork Passes By is a resource I wrote to equip communities and individuals to build a bridge between the heartbreak of infertility or child loss and the local church, ministry, family, and community. In the book, you will find additional ways to come alongside and walk well with your friends and loved ones.
If you find yourself in an active season of infertility, involuntary childlessnes, miscarriage, or child loss, this episode offers help and support for you too!
First of all, please know that you are not alone. I encourage you to invite others into your pain and not to stay silent in your grief. In the episode, I share some of the mistakes I made on my own journey. I don’t want you to walk through such a painful time alone.
In Traveling the Terrain, I share how to walk this unexpected road, and invite your friends to walk with you. I wrote it to offer some things I learned on my own infertility journey and wisdom gained from other women with stories like ours.
Before you become overwhelmed by Mother’s Day, connect with a trusted friend or friends and invite them to be a part of your journey. Understand that your friends may not always say the right things, but they want to be the help and support you need in this time.
When you feel ready to include a trusted friend or two, take down that no trespassing sign and open the gate to welcome them in!
I’m praying for your brave steps and God’s peace and comfort this Mother’s Day season!