When the Stork Passes By

How many children do you have?
When are you going to give me grandchildren?
Why don’t you have any children?
These questions pierce the hearts of couples in the midst of infertility or those who find themselves involuntarily childless. The speaker means no harm and doesn’t realize the pain these questions deliver.
Maybe you know someone walking through infertility or involuntary childlessness and you feel helpless—not knowing what to say or do, wondering how you can help them through this time. You might be a friend, family member, co-worker, pastor, neighbor, or counselor.
So often our effort to have the correct answer or try to fix someone’s pain can result in causing more emotional harm.
I wrote this book to help you become better equipped to provide practical compassion for your friend, loved one, or community member. To help you learn more about their realities and understand ways to offer empathy, understanding, and support. Information and stories in these pages will help you build a bridge between the heartbreak of infertility and childlessness and the local church, ministry, and community.
When the Stork Passes By: A Field Guide to Practical Compassion will provide you with concrete ideas and understanding for one of the toughest journeys in life.
I’m excited to say it will be up on Amazon soon! Subscribe below to get email updates and be one of the first to know it is available for purchase!