What I’m Reading This Summer

When summer comes around, I think back on childhood activities (swimming, bike riding, climbing trees, horses, camp, and playing with friends). These memories always include the music and books that accompanied my child, youth, and teen summers. Reading proved such a large part of these memories: library events, bookmobiles that went around the neighborhood, the book-a-month mailing list, and school reading assignments. I loved being outside in the summer but when afternoons became too hot, you could usually find me practicing the piano or reading a book inside.
As an adult, this looks a little different. We have to create our own engaged reading assignments. Since I’m exploring a new location this summer, I decided I needed to do some reading–inspirational, joyful, grounding, faith-filled, creative, and writing.
I don’t have a lot of extra time and know I need foundational inspiration, so I included a couple of meaningful devotional books and a book from a small group study I led last summer (one of the most faith-impacting books I’ve ever read). My list also includes a couple of childhood favorites for a fun, creative mind break, and a couple of books to improve some writing skills.
The variety of subjects will hopefully give me a bit of structure (I struggle with this!) and fun learning this summer. Most of the books on the list were originally recommended by friends or they were books I read long ago and wanted to read again. In the next few weeks, I’ll share some gems from what I’m reading. Hope you enjoy my version of a “summer book club.” Feel free to comment with your favorite book reads and to ask questions about what I’m reading.
Happy summer reading!