Life Transitions

Posts in the ‘Life Transitions’ category

A New View

Welcome to the launch week of a new season of The Bearing Life® Podcast! Several months ago, I set out on a new adventure in a new city far from home. The seed for this journey was planted eight years ago and after many twists and turns, it finally sprouted. I watched God unfold events […]

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An Inspiring Read

When you hear a good friend quote the same book numerous times in a variety of settings over many months, you pay attention! My friend Connie kept giving out word gems from Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle. I finally stopped and asked more about it one day. After a detailed conversation, I decided I […]

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What I’m Reading This Summer

When summer comes around, I think back on childhood activities (swimming, bike riding, climbing trees, horses, camp, and playing with friends). These memories always include the music and books that accompanied my child, youth, and teen summers. Reading proved such a large part of these memories: library events, bookmobiles that went around the neighborhood, the […]

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On Growing Roots

As I placed new herbs in a pot, I realized the irony of my recent attitude and the name of the soil I used to nurture the small plants. I’m a people person and place a high value on good friends, connections, community, and fellowship (don’t get me wrong, I also need times of solitude […]

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The Bearing Life®️ Podcast Turns One!

The year of pandemic 2020 proved rugged terrain, but with ideas, friends, acquaintances, family, and a variety of connecting points, God brought a wonderful, fun, helpful, healing thing to pass. I can’t believe it’s time to celebrate one year since I took the defining step to launch The Bearing Life®️ What a fun, unexpected ride […]

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Is it Time for a Reset? I am approaching a new season in my life and I’m saying, “yes,” to this unpredictable adventure. Maybe you have come face-to-face with a new change in life too? I am taking defining steps to embrace this change and I want to share those steps with you. When you’ve had a change in your […]

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A New Adventure

Have you ever found yourself considering a huge change or adventure in life? Or maybe a small tweak that feels a bit scary? I’m on the edge of a big change and feeling excited but also feeling a little terror like I did when I jumped out of a plane (thankfully in tandem with an […]

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Love’s Lasting Legacy

The carved heart in the small aspen trunk fascinated me. Who carved it and why? I knew a little about the former homeowner, but since she had long since passed on, there was no one to ask. So my busy mind created lots of different scenarios about the who and why of this sign of […]

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